High.DTM Open to Work
Hui Xu (Graphic Designer)
Hui Xu🐯 is a graphic designer based in Toronto, Canada from Guangzhou, China, with a focus on (but not limited to) branding and packaging design.
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ProjectsZenithward Tissue Packaging
NiceShark Beauty
© 2024 Heidi Xu all rights reserved. 68C Stone + Grill🥓
Web Design/ Menu Design/ Merchandise Design
Language: English
68C Stone + Grill Website Design + Coming Soon Page Design
68°C Stone + Grill is a restaurant just a few steps from the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) that focuses on sizzling hot stone grill dishes.
The name "68°C" signifies the precise temperature at which each meat is meticulously prepared, ensuring optimal flavor and tenderness. The restaurant's distinctive presentation style adds an interactive element to the dining experience, making it a memorable destination for food enthusiasts.
68°C focuses on stone grill cuisine. To highlight this unique feature, the main colors are the dark gray of stone and the red of fire, to convey the feeling of food being grilled on stone.
68°C Stone + Grill是一家来自加拿大多伦多的石板烤肉店,坐落于安大略美术馆旁边。
Link: 68C Stone + Grill
68C Stone + Grill Merchandise Design
(Soft Opening Poster/ Coupon/ Menu)
Adobe Illustrator